Against Character Torture
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Hi! Thanks for visiting our webpage.
We made this site because we got sick of seeing character torture in so many fanfics, fanart pictures and websites across the 'net. So take a look around and see what we're all about!


This group was started in order to do something about the overwhelming amount of character torture fanfiction that exists on the internet. A "torture fic," by our definition, is one that consists of or contains character suffering for the sheer enjoyment or amusement of the author and/or readers. On the other hand, we do appreciate stories that portray torture as a serious plot element.

Our basic purpose is to let the authors and readers of torture fanfics know that there are people who don't like these stories. We do this mainly by leaving reviews on FanFiction.Net, but we can also send emails to authors or site owners if we find torture fics on other webpages.

ACT members will vote on whether a given story is a torture fic, and will agree on a review or email to be sent by the group's co-owner and spokesperson, Razzle.

If you're interested in joining ACT, just let us know!

E-mail us at: